PhD Candidate Contact info Office University of Toronto Odette Hall Rm 311 50 St. Joseph Street Toronto, ON M5S 3L5 Office Hours TBA Classes 2022-2023 GER100Y, Fall & Winter Background John is a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto. His research focuses on relationships between humans and other animals in contemporary German fiction and the implications for literature resultant of these relationships. Since completing his MA at the University of Toronto, John has been involved in many capacities at uToronto such as the Graduate Education Council, Graduate Academic Appeals Board, and German and Yiddish Graduate Student Association. Apart from the academy, John spends his spare time with his dog and wife, mixing music, and reading poetry. Read More »
André Flicker
Ph.D candidate Contact info Office Hours By appointment Classes 2023 Winter GER300 Intermediate German II Summer GER100 Beginners German Fall GER300 Intermediate German II GER400 Advanced German BackgroundStaatsexamen (Philosophie, Germanistik) Universität Mannheim, Germany, 2016 Master of Arts, University of Victoria, Canada, 2018. Review Editor The Germanic Review: Literature, Culture Theory Research Interests: I would describe myself as genuinely curious, which is mirrored in the research I’ve been doing throughout my studies. Starting from my interest in short prose and its usage of narrative space and narration of space to dramaturgies of silence, the common thread of my research is the work of language and our reflective engagement with language as work. In my dissertation I examine forms of Unsinn (non-sense) as last resorts for subjectivity. My focus is on early 20th century Dadaists of Zurich and Berlin and their exploration of subjectivity in traditional art forms and new media. Based on Dada’s provocation of the absence of sense produced in their intermedia works, I argue that Unsinn as an aesthetic mode is a dynamic movement that curates both drives at work in acts of mediating our surroundings: sense and the sensual. Dada’s Unsinn problematizes meaning and its constitution by ... Read More »
Maria Harutyunyan
PhD student Contact info Office Hours Tue and Thur 12-1 pm Classes 2020-2021 GER100 Background I completed my hon. Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Toronto with a major in Sociology and a minor in German and French. In 2020, I completed my MA in Germanic Languages and Literatures at the University of Toronto. As a current PhD student in Germanic Literature, Culture and Theory, my main focus is on environmental humanities. Aside from literature, my interests also lie in the field of visual arts and acquiring languages. My spoken languages include: German, English, French and Armenian. Teaching Positions Course Instructor, Introduction to German, University of Toronto, 2019 Awards & Scholarships Angela Hildyard Award for Academic Excellence, 2016-2018 Thomas & Beverley Simpson Graduate Achievement Award For Single Parents, 2019 Institutional Services Advisor, U of T Family Care Office Advisory Committee, 2018- 2019 Read More »
Eli Jany
PhD Candidate I received my MA in Yiddish Studies from the University of Toronto in 2020 and am happy to be back for more Yiddish. My dissertation focuses on the life writing of disabled Yiddish-speaking Jews in interwar Poland. I am passionate about studying Yiddish archival documents and enjoy working as a Yiddish-to-English translator and a transcriber of Yiddish oral histories. I also love to teach and facilitate and have really appreciated the chance to work with the amazing group of fellow Yiddish learners at UofT. Outside of Yiddish-related stuff, I’m into crocheting, cats, and eating (and sometimes making) baked goods. Contact Academic Background MA in Yiddish, University of Toronto, 2020 MSW, University of Toronto, 2019 Honours BSc in Biology, McMaster University, 2015 PublicationsLeshchinsky, Yankev. The Last Years of Polish Jewry, Volume 2: The Permanent Pogrom, 1935-37. Edited by Robert Brym. Translated by Robert Brym and Eli Jany, Open Book Publishers, Leshchinsky, Yankev. The Last Years of Polish Jewry, Volume 1: At the Edge of the Abyss: Essays, 1927–33. Edited by Robert Brym. Translated by Robert Brym and Eli Jany, Open Book Publishers, Sarah Reisen. “Three Poems.” In geveb, May 2020: Trans. Eli Jany. ConferencesPresenter, "'Nowadays I ... Read More »
Sophie Jordan
PhD candidate Office hours TBD Contact info Background My research focuses on late medieval understandings of cultural mixedness and alterity. For my thesis, I am exploring blackness and race in Middle High German and Middle Dutch Arthurian romance and trying to identify how the black characters featured in my texts fit into the cultural context they emerged from. I completed my B.A. and M.St. in German at the University of Oxford, with a year spent studying at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität in Heidelberg. My M.St. dissertation engaged with the debate on pre-modern race by looking at blackness as a factor of integration at the court of King Arthur in the Middle Dutch Moriaen. I also hold an M.A. in Social Anthropology from the University of Manchester, which has allowed me to broaden my methodological horizons and to gain insight into the social mechanisms which are at the core of my research interests. I grew up near Strasbourg on the Franco-German border, but my first language was Frenglish. I love being outside, music from all periods, and food. Publications and Presentations: “Black Excellence at Arthur’s Court: Moriaen and Medieval Northern Germanic Concepts of Blackness.” German Studies Canada at the Congress of the ... Read More »
Astrid Klee
PhD candidate Contact info Office Hours tba Classes 2024-25 tba Background My interests lie mainly in the sciences and mythologies, and how these impact on literary imagination. For my doctoral research, I am exploring how late 19th to early 20th-century psychiatric case studies and self-narratives transformed during this period and the ways in which this is reflected in Modernist literature in Germany. I translate early German psychiatric texts and I have co-authored several journal articles about pioneers in the field of psychiatric genetics. I completed my undergraduate in German Studies at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, where I also received my master’s degree. Read More »
Rena Knox
MA student Contact info Read More »
Elisabeth Lange
Ph.D. Candidate Contact Office Hours By appointment (Zoom or Campus meeting possible) Courses 2022-2022 GER100 L5201 TR 6-8 (online synchronous), Fall Term GER300 L0101 MW 10-12, Full Year Background I received my Bachelor of Arts in German Literature and Language from the Leipzig University in summer of 2016. During my studies, I took a semester abroad at Carleton University in Ottawa and did an internship as a creative writer and editor at UFA in Berlin. I have an affinity for words, whales and the woods. Research My research focuses on the literary works of Marlen Haushofer and Sibylle Berg. In particular, I am investigating what it is precisely about the quality of their literature that inclines readers to frequently label it as “negative.” Thereby, I am offering new perspectives on the concept of pessimism and illustrate how we can think of the absence of salvation as something positive. Read More »
Rita Katalin Laszlo
Ph.D. Candidate Contact Courses GER200Y1Y LEC5101 Office Hours Mon & Wed by appointment Background M.A. (2017) in Germanic Studies, University of British Columbia (Master’s thesis: “Understanding the Aesthetics and Materiality of Ver Sacrum, the Seminal Magazine of the Vienna Secession”) B.A. (2014) Hispanic Studies and Honours in Germanic Studies, University of British Columbia (Honours thesis: “Pseudoscience, Gullibility and Language”) OTHER: (2007–2010) Germanic and Hispanic Studies, International Relations, University of Manitoba (2009-2010) German Literature and Social Studies, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany Publications / Published Translations Laszlo, Rita K. “Introducing Ágnes Heller's “Reflections on Gullibility,”” Telos, Issue 179, 2017:33-35; doi:10.3817/0617179033 Heller, Ágnes. Trans. Laszlo, Rita K. “Reflections on Gullibility,” Telos, Issue 179 , 2017:36-47; doi:10.3817/0617179036 Research and Interests 19th and 20th century German Literature and Thought, Enlightenment, Critical Theory, The Frankfurt and The Budapest Schools gullibility and its relation to language, types of knowledge, reason, the will to believe and judgement PhD dissertation focus a genealogy of gullibility in German literature and thought Conferences / Presentations “Vortrag zum Thema Leichtgläubigkeit,” (guest lecture, GER 430: Stories of the Mind with Dr. Christine Lehleiter), University of Toronto, Toronto, Nov. 27, 2018. “Between Gullibility and Thoughtlessness: From Ágnes Heller to Hannah Arendt,” (guest lecture, PHIL ... Read More »
Zoe Levson
M.A. Student Contact Background I completed my Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Toronto in 2023, specializing in Philosophy and minoring in Yiddish. My interests include Yiddish poetry, Yiddish translations of German philosophy, and chess. Read More »