
Departmental Committees 2022-2023

Executive Committee Angelica Fenner (Chair)John Noyes (Acting Associate Chair, Grad. Studies, ex officio)Hang-Sun Kim (Associate Chair, Undergrad. Studies, ex officio)Stefana Gargova (Language Coordinator, ex officio) Policy Committee Angelica Fenner (Chair)John Noyes (ex officio)Hang-Sun Kim (ex officio)Stefana Gargova (ex officio)Markus Stock Erol Boran Faculty Representative on the Arts & Science Council Angelica FennerErol Boran Graduate Program Committee John Noyes (Chair, ex officio)Angelica FennerAnna ShternshisMarkus StockAstrid Klee (representative of the GGSA) Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Hang-Sun Kim (Chair, ex officio)Angelica Fenner (ex officio)Stefana Gargova (ex officio)Willi GoetschelErol Boran Grants & Fellowship Subcommittee John Noyes (Chair, ex officio)Markus StockWilli Goetschel Placement Committee Hang-Sun Kim (ex officio) Placement Subcommittee Stefana Gargova International Liaison Erol Boran Liaison to Goethe-Institut Azadeh Sharifi Liaison and PR Committee John Noyes (Chair) PTR Committee Angelica Fenner (Chair, ex officio)John Noyes (ex officio)Hang-Sun Kim (ex officio)Anna Shternshis (elected member) Library Liaison Azadeh Sharifi CERES/JIGES Representative Angelica Fenner Oral Defense Chairs Committee Willi Goetschel French Exam Designate Markus Stock (Fall)Willi Goetschel (Spring) Yiddish Program Committee Anna Shternshis (Chair)Naomi SeidmanMarkus StockMiriam Schwartz German/Yiddish Graduate Students Association (GYGSA) President: Virginia ShewfeltVP/Secretary: Jacob HermantTreasurer: Miriam SchwartzGrad. Program Committee Rep.: Astrid KleeUTGSU Rep.: Maria HarutyunyanCUPE Rep: Florian Müller Hang-Sun Kim (ex officio) Graduate Studies Students Union (GSSU) ... Read More »

Departmental Committees 2019-2020

Executive Committee Stefan Soldovieri (Chair) Christine Lehleiter (Associate Chair, Grad. Studies, ex officio) Erol Boran (Associate Chair, Undergrad. Studies, ex officio) Policy Committee Stefan Soldovieri (Chair) Erol Boran (ex officio) Christine Lehleiter (ex officio) Hang-Sun Kim (ex officio, Fall) / Stefana Gargova (ex officio, Spring) Willi Goetschel (elected member) John Noyes (Fall, elected member) / John Zilcosky (Spring, elected member) Faculty Representative on the Arts & Science Council Michael Hager Graduate Program Committee Christine Lehleiter (Chair, ex officio) Angelica Fenner Willi Goetschel Student Representative: tba Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Erol Boran (Chair, ex officio) Hang-Sun Kim (ex officio, Fall)  / Stefana Gargova (ex officio, Spring) John Noyes (Fall) / John Zilcosky (Spring) Student Representative: tba Grants & Fellowship Subcommittee Christine Lehleiter (Chair, ex officio) Angelica Fenner Anna Shternshis Placement Subcommittee Hang-Sun Kim (Chair, ex officio, Fall) / Stefana Gargova (Chair, ex officio, Spring) Mike Hager International Liaison Erol Boran Departmental Liaison to Goethe-Institut Angelica Fenner Liaison and PR Subcommittee Angelica Fenner (Chair) John Noyes (Fall) / Sasha Hoffman (Spring) PTR Committee Stefan Soldovieri (Chair) Erol Boran (ex officio) Christine Lehleiter (ex officio) Anna Shternshis (elected member) Library Liaison John Noyes (Fall) John Zilcosky (Spring) CERES/JIGES Representative Stefan Soldovieri Oral Defense Chairs ... Read More »