Author Archives: Helena Juenger

Supporting Language Revitalization

The Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto (NWRCT) was founded by a dedicated group of Indigenous women who saw the need for a gathering place in Toronto where Indigenous women could share resources... Read More »

Newsletter 2021-22 out now!

The Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto (NWRCT) was founded by a dedicated group of Indigenous women who saw the need for a gathering place in Toronto where Indigenous women could share resources... Read More »

iPRAKTIKUM Testimonials

Rudy Yuana 3rd-year student who interned with Agrikultur e.V. through iPRAKTIKUM. Rudy is now pursuing a research paper on how agroecological practices can strengthen food security in the face of uncertain global trade.  Renee Asoro4th year student Renee Asoro appreciated the flexibility that the iPRAKTIKUM futurGenerator summer internship program provided which allowed her to set her own goals and have enriching and unforgettable experiences outside of her placement.After completing her futurGenerator internship with Die Agronauten e.V. in Freiburg, Germany, Renee went on to complete the DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering (RISE) program in Bonn. Renee credits her iPRAKTIKUM experience for encouraging and preparing her to pursue further research and education opportunities in Germany. Kyra Petita double major in Political Science and German StudiesIn the summer of 2024, Kyra interned with Zusammen leben e.V. in Freiburg, Germany. This immersive experience was an essential part of her language-learning journey, where she significantly improved her spoken German and comprehension. Kyra treasures the connections and friendships she made, which she calls the most memorable part of her time abroad. Savannah BeinM.A. graduate and sessional instructor at the University of TorontoDuring the summer of 2019, Savannah interned with Die Agronauten in Freiburg, Germany, through the ... Read More »