PhD Candidate I received my MA in Yiddish Studies from the University of Toronto in 2020 and am happy to be back for more Yiddish. My dissertation focuses on the life writing of disabled Yiddish-speaking Jews in interwar Poland. I am passionate about studying Yiddish archival documents and enjoy working as a Yiddish-to-English translator and a transcriber of Yiddish oral histories. I also love to teach and facilitate and have really appreciated the chance to work with the amazing group of fellow Yiddish learners at UofT. Outside of Yiddish-related stuff, I’m into crocheting, cats, and eating (and sometimes making) baked goods. Contact Academic Background MA in Yiddish, University of Toronto, 2020 MSW, University of Toronto, 2019 Honours BSc in Biology, McMaster University, 2015 PublicationsLeshchinsky, Yankev. The Last Years of Polish Jewry, Volume 2: The Permanent Pogrom, 1935-37. Edited by Robert Brym. Translated by Robert Brym and Eli Jany, Open Book Publishers, Leshchinsky, Yankev. The Last Years of Polish Jewry, Volume 1: At the Edge of the Abyss: Essays, 1927–33. Edited by Robert Brym. Translated by Robert Brym and Eli Jany, Open Book Publishers, Sarah Reisen. “Three Poems.” In geveb, May 2020: Trans. Eli Jany. ConferencesPresenter, "'Nowadays I ... Read More »
Tag Archives: Dena Khamseh
Rita Katalin Laszlo
Ph.D. Candidate Contact Courses GER200Y1Y LEC5101 Office Hours Mon & Wed by appointment Background M.A. (2017) in Germanic Studies, University of British Columbia (Master’s thesis: “Understanding the Aesthetics and Materiality of Ver Sacrum, the Seminal Magazine of the Vienna Secession”) B.A. (2014) Hispanic Studies and Honours in Germanic Studies, University of British Columbia (Honours thesis: “Pseudoscience, Gullibility and Language”) OTHER: (2007–2010) Germanic and Hispanic Studies, International Relations, University of Manitoba (2009-2010) German Literature and Social Studies, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany Publications / Published Translations Laszlo, Rita K. “Introducing Ágnes Heller's “Reflections on Gullibility,”” Telos, Issue 179, 2017:33-35; doi:10.3817/0617179033 Heller, Ágnes. Trans. Laszlo, Rita K. “Reflections on Gullibility,” Telos, Issue 179 , 2017:36-47; doi:10.3817/0617179036 Research and Interests 19th and 20th century German Literature and Thought, Enlightenment, Critical Theory, The Frankfurt and The Budapest Schools gullibility and its relation to language, types of knowledge, reason, the will to believe and judgement PhD dissertation focus a genealogy of gullibility in German literature and thought Conferences / Presentations “Vortrag zum Thema Leichtgläubigkeit,” (guest lecture, GER 430: Stories of the Mind with Dr. Christine Lehleiter), University of Toronto, Toronto, Nov. 27, 2018. “Between Gullibility and Thoughtlessness: From Ágnes Heller to Hannah Arendt,” (guest lecture, PHIL ... Read More »