Infos for your stay in Freiburg

Some useful tips for your stay in Freiburg: Public transport ticket Regiokarte: https://www.rvf.de/fahrkarten-tarife/monatskarten-abos/regiokarte-erwachsene/ Movie theatres: Harmonie, Friedrichsbau, Kandelhof (one page for all three movie theatres, choose them on the left), Kommunales Kino im alten Wiehrebahnhof, CinemaxX Events: http://fudder.de/kalender Flea marktes: http://fudder.de/alle-flohmaerkte-in-freiburg–140335440.html Bike rental at the main train station: http://www.freiburgbikes.de/ Very affordable bike rental: https://www.frelo-freiburg.de/en/ Markets: https://www.freiburg.de/pb/232237.html (the most central ones are the one at the Münster, in Wiehre, and in Stühlinger neighbourhoods) Pools: https://www.badeninfreiburg.de/willkommen-der-baederwelt-der-freiburger-schwimmbaeder, https://www.keidelbad.de/start/ Hiking around Freiburg: https://www.komoot.de/guide/337/wandern-rund-um-freiburg-im-breisgau Day trips around Freiburg: https://visit.freiburg.de/freiburg-fuehlen/ausfluege-aktivitaeten, Colmar, Basel, Strassbourg Traffic rules in Germany: https://www.adac.de/der-adac/rechtsberatung/verkehrsvorschriften/ Read More »

Infos for your stay in Leipzig

Some useful tips for your stay in Leipzig: Public Transport Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe Events Stadt Leipzig Bike Rentals https://cycle-leipzig.de https://grupetto.de/Radverleih/ https://www.kuehnis-fahrradeck.de/fahrradverleih-leipzig/ Flea Markets https://www.leipzig-leben.de/flohmarkt-leipzig-termine-2024/ Weekly Markets https://www.leipzig.de/freizeit-kultur-und-tourismus/einkaufen-und-ausgehen/maerkte/wochenmaerkte Lakes near Leipzig https://ahoi-leipzig.de/artikel/die-schoensten-badeseen-in-leipzig-und-umgebung-856/ Kinos Passage Kinos Regina Palast Schauburg Other Activities Paddeln in Leipzig Baumwollspinnerei Völkerschlachtsdenkmal Auwald Parks Connewitz MDR Tower Panometer Museums and Galleries Opera Trips outside Leipzig More info https://www.leipzig.travel https://www.leipzig.de Read More »

iPRAKTIKUM – student focused

During the month of November, the iPRAKTIKUM team spent some time getting to know a little better the over 450 amazing students taking German at the U of T... Read More »