Author Archives: Department of German

Yiddish in the City Virtual Internships (Ontario Jewish Archives)

Dear Yiddish Students, The iPRAKTIKUM team is pleased to announce yet another great opportunity with “Yiddish in the City”, this time with the Ontario Jewish Archives. The program identifies needs in the broader Toronto community which can be fulfilled by a University of Toronto Yiddish student. This will be an opportunity to gain professional credentials as well as connect to the local Jewish community. Your internship experience can be accredited in the form of a Co-Curricular Record (CCR) that will appear on your U of T transcript. This is a paid opportunity that will take place remotely. The Ontario Jewish Archives – OJA – is the largest repository of Jewish life in Canada. Founded in 1973, the OJA acquires, preserves and makes accessible the records that chronicle Ontario’s Jewish history. A significant portion of the OJA’s collection is in Yiddish, the language of the majority of Jewish immigrants who settled in Ontario in the early to mid-twentieth century. Students will gain valuable field experience with hands-on archival work, including describing, and translating records, and producing digital content (such as blog and social media posts) highlighting Yiddish records in the collection. Priority will be given to those students who are adept at working with ... Read More »

Erol M. Boran

Associate Professor of German, Teaching Stream Contact info Office University of Toronto Odette Hall 309 50 St. Joseph Street Toronto, ON M5S 3L5 Phone: 416-926-2317 Secretary: 416-926-2324 Classes 2024-2025 GER194HF Our Vampires, Ourselves GER332HF Kafka’s World GER400HF Advanced German 1 * on sabbatical leave in the winter semester Office Hours No office hours in winter 2025 Background M.A. Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg 1996 Ph.D. Ohio State University 2004 Erol Boran offers courses on German literature, language and theater, and directs the German student theater, Theater DU. He is a recipient of the Faculty of Arts and Science Outstanding Teaching Award (2019) and the Innovate German Award by the Canadian Association of University Teachers of German (2020). He recently completed the manuscript of a 1000-page German fantasy novel and is now in the process of revising it. His academic book, Die Geschichte des türkisch-deutschen Theaters und Kabaretts, was released in December 2022 with transcript Verlag. For more information, see his personal website. Book Erol M. Boran: Die Geschichte des türkisch deutschen Theaters und Kabaretts. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2022. Reviews of Die Geschichte des türkisch-deutschen Theaters und Kabaretts: Jörg Esleben (University of Ottawa) in Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies 60-4 (University of Toronto Nov. 2024), pp. 417-418. „[Bei dem Buch ... Read More »

Josh Dittrich

Sessional Lecturer Contact info Office Odette Hall 312 St. Michael’s College University of Toronto 50 St. Joseph Street Toronto, ON M5S 3L5 Phone 416-926-2319 Fax: 416-926-2329 Secretary: 416-926-2324 Office Hours Fall 2016: Tue 1:00 - 3:00 Classes 2016-17 GER6000HF Reading German for Graduate Students Read More »

Angelica Fenner

Associate Professor of German and Cinema Studies Contact info Office University of Toronto Odette Hall 325 50 St. Joseph Street Toronto, ON M5S 3L5 Innis College, Room 325 2 Sussex Avenue Toronto, ON M5S 1J5 Secretary: 416-926-2321 Office Hours Mondays 130-3:30pm, Thursdays 2-4pm Classes 2021-22 Background Ph.D. University of Minnesota Teaching Interests German Film Cultures Transnational and Diasporic Cultural Production History & Theory of Documentary/Non-Fiction Film Weimar Culture Race & Representation World Cinema Film Music/Film Sound Film Theory Globalization Theory Theories of Affect, Material Culture, and the Posthuman Current Research Interests Animal Studies, New Materialism, and the Nonhuman Turn in Environmental Studies The thematics of migration in European cinemas, with particular attention to how spatial, social, and psychical displacement assume narrative form. Autobiographical Non-Fiction Film in Contemporary Germany Women's Authorship in Contemporary German Cinema Monographs Race Under Reconstruction in German Cinema: Robert Stemmle's Toxi. University of Toronto Press, 2011. 284 pp. Finalist, Theatre Library Association Award 2012 Author Footnotes at University of Toronto Press Website The DVD, Robert Stemmle's Toxi (1952) is now available for purchase from the DEFA Film Library at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. 'Extras' include an audio-commentary read by Angelica Fenner and Tobias Nagl. Co-Edited Anthologies The ... Read More »

PhD Fellowship in German Jewish thought and literature

The PhD program in German Literature, Culture and Theory at the University of Toronto invites highly qualified candidates to apply for a Ph.D. fellowship dedicated to exploring the emergence of critical notions of difference and alterity in the context of modern German Jewish thought and literature. Applicants apply directly to the PhD program to be considered for this award, which is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and complements the University of Toronto’s highly attractive funding package. Please visit our graduate studies page for information on how to apply to our program. If you have any questions about the research project, please contact Professor Willi Goetschel. Application deadline: January 15, 2015. Starting date: August 1, 2015. Read More »

PhD Fellowship in the literature / culture of the Goethezeit

The PhD program in German Literature, Culture and Theory at the University of Toronto invites highly qualified candidates to apply for a PhD fellowship with a focus on any aspect of the literature or culture of the Goethezeit. Applicants apply directly to the Ph.D. program to be considered for this award, which is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and complements the University of Toronto’s generous funding package. Please visit our graduate studies page for information on how to apply to our program. If you have any questions about the research project, please contact Professor John Noyes. Application deadline: January 15, 2015. Starting date: August 1, 2015. Read More »

Willi Goetschel

Professor of German and Philosophy Contact info Office University of Toronto Odette Hall 313 50 St. Joseph Street Toronto, ON M5S 3L5 Phone 416-926-2320 Secretary: 416-926-2324 Office Hours Thursday 3-4pm or by appointment Classes 2023-2024 JGC1855H S Critical Theory| GER320H F Age of Goethe: Revolution and Romanticism Background Ph.D. 1989 in German, Harvard University Lic.phil I[=M.Phil] 1982 in Philosophy, Universität Zürich President, Foundation Stiftung Dialogik President, North American Heine Society General Editor, Bamidbar: Journal for Jewish Thought and Philosophy Editor, The Germanic Review Editorial Board, Weimarer Beiträge Editorial Board, Lessing Year Book 2024 Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada 2020 Recipient of the Moses Mendelssohn Prize of the City of Dessau 2012 Fellow in Residence at the Lichtenberg Kolleg, University of Göttingen 2009 Charlotte M. Craig Distinguished Visiting Professor in German Studies, Rutgers University Teaching Interests 18th to 20th century German Literature and Thought, Enlightenment, German Jewish Culture, Critical Theory. Current Research Interests I am currently working on a project that examines the emergence of how modern philosophy theorizes difference, otherness, and alterity. The project called "Difference and Alterity in Modern Jewish Philosophy" is supported by a grant of the Social Sciences and Human Research Council. Insight ... Read More »