On Friday, September 15th, the Department of German kicked off a new partnership with the University of Toronto Schools. Under the mentorship of Natasha Jamal, Co-curricular Learning Coordinator at the U of T’s Centre for Community Partnerships, and University of Toronto Schools German teacher Nicola Townend, student interns spent the day at UTS engaging in hands-on experiential learning activities and getting to know the school and the German program. We look forward to an ongoing partnership that will offer students in the Department of German additional professional development opportunities while helping to enrich the educational experience of students learning German in the GTA. Special thanks to Natasha and Nicola for their efforts with the first iPRAKTIKUM bootcamp – and to UTS German student Saskia Laufer for a wonderful tour of the school!

From left to right: Prof. Hang-Sun Kim, UTS German teacher Nicola Townend; student interns Stefana Gargova, Karolin Rabey, Shirin Oghatian, Kat Heinz; Natasha Jamal, Centre for Community Partnerships. Not shown: iPRAKTIKUM leads Helena Juenger and Stefan Soldovieri