Florian Geddes

PhD Student


My dissertation focuses on the corpus of late medieval and early modern books of heroes (working title: The Making of the ‘Book of Heroes’ (15th/16th c.): Textuality, Materiality, and the History of the Book), combining literary analysis with questions of materiality and book history. I am interested in the production and reception of epic poems between manuscript and print culture, the transformation processes throughout the textual history of these poems, and the ways in which manual labor, material, and text intersected in making books of heroes.

Scholarships and Awards

  • Connaught International Scholarship, University of Toronto, 2019
  • Iter Graduate Fellowship, University of Toronto, 2019
  • Deutschlandstipendium, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt (Main), 2013-2015

Conference Papers

  • “Old Tales in a New Medium: On the Prefaces of Printed Books of Heroes (1479–1590 CE),” Cologne-Toronto Graduate Student Colloquium 2019.