Creating Local and International Work-Integrated Learning Opportunities for Language Studies
The iPRAKTIKUM team was thrilled to talk about its current experiential learning and internationalization initiatives at the recent Arts & Science Teaching and Learning Showcase, which took place on Tuesday, April 17th. As the only representative from the humanities, iPRAKTIKUM was featured alongside projects from Anthropology, Biochemistry, Computer Science, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, and Mathematics. The innovative pedagogical initiatives included a project that uses 3-D printers to replicate fragile and hard-to-find bones and artifacts for hands-on teaching purposes, computer modelling to visualize complex enzyme kinetics, and implementing inverted classroom strategies in a large, first-year calculus course. iPRAKTIKUM project leads Helena Juenger and Stefan Soldovieri reviewed the internship project vision and curricular goals, outlined the development of the project over the course of the past year, and addressed some of the challenges along the way. We also highlighted the outcomes of the German in the City high school partnership, and introduced two international internship projects – Eco-Hub Freiburg and Berlin Social Innovation Hub – that will build on two of Germany’s particular strengths. We were encouraged by the positive reception during the Q & A and welcomed the opportunity to make new contacts that will benefit the development of iPRAKTIKUM going forward.