Guest lecture, March 28: Pia Selmayr: The Art of Trickery. Money and Economy in Strickers ‘Pfaffe Amis’.

Guest lecture, March 28: Pia Selmayr: The Art of Trickery. Money and Economy in Strickers ‘Pfaffe Amis’.

28 March 2019, 4 pm, Odette Hall 323

Dr. PIA SELMAYR is an Assistant Professor of medieval and early modern German literature at the University of Zurich. Her research focuses on literary theory, semantic and semiotic, courtly romances, material studies, and transfer phenomena of medieval images and texts. She is a member of the Research Network “VAS – Vor Augen Stellen. Bildliche Kommunikation jenseits der Dichotomie von Sprache und Bild” (University of Cologne) and associated member of the SNF project “Hybride Temporalitäten” (University of Zurich). At present, she is working on a research project about money and economy from the Middle Ages to the early modern period. This lecture is based on her project. Her monograph on otherworld narratives in German Arthurian romance was published in 2017 (Der Lauf der Dinge. Wechselverhältnisse zwischen Raum, Ding und Figur bei der narrativen Konstitution von Anderwelten im Wigalois und im Lanzelet, 2017); other publications include articles on transfer phenomena in medieval imagery (“Übertragung – Bildlichkeit in Literatur und Kunst des Mittelalters,” 2017) and the early modern prose novel (“Fortunatus – eine dichte Beschreibung,“ forthcoming).

If you have any accommodation needs, please e-mail five business days prior to the event, and we will do our best to assist you.