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Classes 2024 – 2025
GER310H1F: Contemporary German Culture & Media
HIS330H1F: Germany from Frederick the great to the First World War (1740–1918)
Tobias Hof is Privatdozent for Modern History at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich and was the Hannah Arendt Visiting Chair for German and European Studies at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy in the academic year 2022/2023. He joined the Department of Germanic Languages & Literature and the Department of History at the University of Toronto as the DAAD Associate Guest Professor in the fall of 2024.
His research focuses on the history of terrorism and counterterrorism as well as the history of violence, fascism, and humanitarianism. He is the author of Staat und Terrorismus in Italien 1969-1982 (Oldenbourg, 2011), Galeazzo Ciano: The Fascist Pretender (University of Toronto Press, 2021) and Geschichte des Terrorismus von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart (UTB, 2022) as well as many journal articles and book chapters on his research interests. He also contributes to the online journal Fair Observer.
Tobias Hof has taught at the University of Munich, the Washington University in St. Louis and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. For several years, he was a researcher at the Institute for Contemporary History in Munich. He has held grants and fellowships from the DAAD, the Volkswagen Foundation, and the Max Weber Foundation. His current projects focus on the global emergency aid for Ethiopia in the 1970s/80s, the perception and reception of popular fantasy and science fiction novels as well as films within the far-right milieu, and on the global history of right-wing terrorism.
Department of History
Fields of study
Fields of Study
- Conflict, Violence and Genocide
- Europe
- Food
- International Relations
Areas of Interest
- Europe
- Global History
- Terrorism
- Fascism
- Humanitarianism
- Film History
Selected Publications
- Die Geschichte des Terrorismus. Von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Stuttgart: UTB, 2022.
- Galeazzo Ciano: The Fascist Pretender. Toronto Buffalo London: University of Toronto Press, 2021.
- Staat und Terrorismus in Italien 1969 – 1987, Phil. Diss. Munich: Oldenbourg 2011.
- Terrorism and Transatlantic Relations: Cooperation and Divisions, ed. by T. Hof / K. Larres. London: Palgrave Macmillan 2022.
- “Widerwillige Retter? Die Judenpolitik des italienischen Außenministeriums unter Galeazzo Ciano von 1936 bis 1943,” Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte 68, 2 (2020): 181-216.
- “From Extremism to Terrorism: The Far Right in Italy and West Germany,” Contemporary European History 27, 3 (2018): 412-431.
- “Of Italian Perpetrators and Victims: Forced Migration in the Italian-Yugoslavian Border Region (1922-1954),” in R. Hansen / A. Saupe / A. Wirsching / D. Yang (eds), Historical Authenticity and Victimhood in Twentieth-Century History and Commemorative Culture. The Construction of Victim Identities in International Comparison, 246-270, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2021.
- “Of Hobbits and Tigers: Far-Right Wing Extremism and Terrorism in Italy since the mid-1970s,” in J. Dafinger / M. Florin (eds), A Transnational History of Right-wing Terrorism. Political Violence and the Far Right in Eastern and Western Europe since 1900, 174–196, London: Routledge, 2022.
- “We are the World” – Visions of Humanity in 1980s Charity Songs, in: J. Gienow-Hecht / S. Jobs / S. Kunkel (eds), Visions of Humanity. Historical Cultural Practices since 1850, 250––278, New York Oxford: Berghahn 2023.