Associate Professor of German, Teaching Stream

Contact info
University of Toronto
Odette Hall 305
50 St. Joseph Street
Toronto, ON M5S 3L5
Phone 416-926-2301
Secretary: 416-926-2324
Office Hours
Fridays 1-3pm
Classes 2023-24
GER100, GER195, GER150
Ph.D. Harvard University 2012
Hang-Sun Kim earned her PhD in Germanic Languages and Literatures from Harvard University in 2012 and has been teaching German language, literature, and culture courses for the University of Toronto’s German Department since 2015. Her areas of specialization are German Foreign Language Pedagogy, Modernist German and Austrian Literature, and Literary Urban Studies. She is the organizer of the annual DAAD-sponsored German Language Teaching and Learning Workshop, which supports the professional development of graduate student and early-career German language instructors at Canadian post-secondary institutions from central to maritime Canada. Her most recent project is the International Student Experience seed-grant-funded Multilingual German Lab which is designed to provide targeted support for multilingual students of German. She is currently the co-lead of the Global Languages Initiative, which encompasses stakeholders from nine departments and five centres and programs at the Faculty of Arts & Science. Prof. Kim holds the Association of College and University Educators’ Certificate for Effective University Instruction (2021) and is a recipient of the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Arts & Science Outstanding Teaching Award (2022).