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Classes 2023
GER300 Intermediate German II
GER100 Beginners German
GER300 Intermediate German II
GER400 Advanced German

Research Interests:
I would describe myself as genuinely curious, which is mirrored in the research I’ve been doing throughout my studies. Starting from my interest in short prose and its usage of narrative space and narration of space to dramaturgies of silence, the common thread of my research is the work of language and our reflective engagement with language as work.
In my dissertation I examine forms of Unsinn (non-sense) as last resorts for subjectivity. My focus is on early 20th century Dadaists of Zurich and Berlin and their exploration of subjectivity in traditional art forms and new media. Based on Dada’s provocation of the absence of sense produced in their intermedia works, I argue that Unsinn as an aesthetic mode is a dynamic movement that curates both drives at work in acts of mediating our surroundings: sense and the sensual. Dada’s Unsinn problematizes meaning and its constitution by compelling us to ask what the absence of meaning is and how it is performed.
André Flicker, “Dada Historiography; or, How to end one’s work?” The Germanic Review, forthcoming.
André Flicker, “Tracing the Singular of Contradiction in Contradiction(s) Set Free.” Philosophy Today, vol. 67, no. 3, 2023, pp. 543-560.
Together with Xan Holt co-editor of the special issue for the Germanic Review: “German Netflix Culture,” vol. 97, no. 3, 2022.
André Flicker & Xan Holt, “Introduction: German Netflix Culture.” The Germanic Review, vol. 97, no. 3, 2022, pp. 211-218.
Book Reviews:
Review of Andrew D. Warren. German Philosophy and the First World War, in: The Germanic Review, forthcoming.
Review of Ivan Boldyrev. Die Ohnmacht des Spekulativen: Elemente einer Poetik von Hegels “Phänomenologie des Geistes”, in: The Germanic Review, vol. 97, No. 2, 2022, pp. 202- 204.
Review of Claudia Brodsky. The Linguistic Condition: Kant’s Critique of Judgment and the Poetics of Action, in: The Germanic Review, vol. 96, No. 4, 2021, pp. 444-449.